Overview Science
Modules for grades 7-9
Characteristics of Cleaning agent. Grade level: 8-9.
(Lund/Sweden, 4 lessons)
Characteristics of soil. Grade level: 8-9.
(Lund/Sweden, 4 lessons)
A grade 9-10 science (Science for all, Biology) module on voluntary and involuntary phenomena of the human body.
(Rehovot/Israel, 4 lessons)
A 12 to 18 year old students’ module for use in all science’s curriculum.
(Lisbon/Portugal, 3 hours at school)
A 7th to 9th grades’ students module for use in natural sciences and chemistry and physics sciences.
(Lisbon/Portugal, 5 to 6 lessons)
Modules for grades 9-12
Characteristics of different building and isolating materials, fuels and methods to produce electric power. Grade level: 9-12.
(Lund/Sweden, 6 lessons)
A grade 10-11 science (science in context in society, design-based science) module on Electromagnetic radiation.
(Rehovot/Israel, 2 lessons)
Science education and careers 2005 COORDINATION ACTION Contract no 042922
Science education and careers 2005 COORDINATION ACTION Contract no 042922