I love candy! And they keep telling me not to eat it!
Candy is something many children and youngsters love. At the same time it is responsible for caries, obesity and indirectly for a sizeable portion of the mortality due to cardiovascular diseases. Students should attain a level of knowledge which permits them to lead informed discussions which can underpin their choice of diet and the place candy has in it. They should also be informed what “feeling peckish” means in physiological terms and to what decisions, better for their health, it could lead. They should learn about diets which are both healthy and tasty and learn to prepare meals which can qualify as healthy and tasty.
Which cleaning agent do we choose?
Cleaning agent is an excellent topic through which to introduce students to fertility problems. It is possible to use simple techniques of analysis, which require careful and detailed work.. Through this approach some difficult concepts in science such as density, physio-adsorption and chemi-adsorption, can be introduced.
Which Soil Do We Choose?
Soil is an excellent topic through which to introduce students to fertility problems. It is possible to use simple techniques of analysis, which require careful and detailed work. Through this approach some difficult concepts in science such as density, physio-adsorption and chemi-adsorption, can be introduced.
Waist Deep in Waste – Necessity or Irresponsibility?
This module highlights the problem of plastic waste and the effects it has on the community. It tries to find a solution to the problem.
How to heat my house?
Heating is a problem in both temperate climate and the subtropics, in the cold season. The method of heating is important for both the well-being and economy of the inhabitants, and the global climate. The role played by the use of fossil or renewable fuels and different methods of producing electric power is important. The way to build and isolate the house has bearing on the need of heating. Students should attain the knowledge permitting them to lead informed discussion of which sort of building methods and heating should be chosen.
The Building Fair
This is a module which students and teachers at Vikingaskolan, Lund have been working with. The description is from the book Homes, cycles and pellet burners, by Johan Krantz and Pelle Persson, teachers at the Vikingaskolan.
The motive (issue) which sets off this is the insight of the need of sustainability. Climate changes are underway and they pose threats. Energy resources and clean water are getting scarce.
Science education and careers 2005 COORDINATION ACTION Contract no 042922