International PARSEL Conference 2009
With this conference the PARSEL partners gathered European colleagues of science education, teaching practice and school administration in order to present and discuss possibilities to improve the popularity and the relevance of scientific teaching and to persistently strengthen the Scientific Literacy of the students.
There are three topics closely related to “PARSEL”, however, they may also be applied to lots of other projects in this field. They are mainly dealing with the subjects “Innovation and Development”, “Dissemination and Implementation” and “Evaluation”. For each of these subjects there was an introducing keynote (Tom Koballa (UGA), Franz Rauch (Uni Klagenfurt), Jens Möller (Uni Kiel). Subsequently, the PARSEL researchers and teachers from various European countries presented their activities in poster sessions and discussed their experiences with the participants.
In addition, we also offered possibilities for those who are members of other innovative projects to introduce their activities and experiences in the field of enhancing scientific literacy within special interactive poster sessions.
The final keynote was given by Dr. J. Klumpers (EC Directorate-General for Research). He is the Head of the Unit “Scientific Culture and Gender Questions” in the “Directorate L - Science, economy and society” and will give a survey concerning the European Commission’s activities to support Science Education for the future.
Science education and careers 2005 COORDINATION ACTION Contract no 042922