A comparison of learning high school modern physics topics based on two different curricula

  • Özlem Eryılmaz Muştu Department of Science Education, Aksaray University, Aksaray, Turkey
  • Ahmet İlhan Şen Department of Physics Education, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey


In this study, the impacts of teaching modern physics topics according to textbooks that are prepared based on two different physics curricula implemented in Turkey on students' success, problem-solving skills and attitudes are examined. In addition, the convenience of the modern physics chapters of the textbooks to the curricula is evaluated in the study. The differences between the modern physics chapters of two different physics textbooks have been determined in terms of didactic and measurement-evaluation features. The sample of the first part of the study consists of 80 high school students studying at the 12th grade. The sample of the second part of the study consists of 20 physics teachers and 10 physics education experts who have completed their doctorates in the field of physics education. Within the scope of the study, the modern physics achievement test, the problem-solving inventory and the attitude scale towards physics class has been applied to the students. The physics teachers and experts of physics education have been asked to fill in the textbook evaluation questionnaire. Data analyses revealed that course achievements and problem-solving skills of the students learning modern physics topics with the 2011 curriculum differ significantly in comparison to those of the students learning modern physics with the 2005 curriculum, yet there is no difference in terms of attitudes of the students.  When the modern physics chapters of the textbooks are examined, it has been found that both the teachers and the experts have found the textbooks sufficient in terms of scientific content, but inadequate as to their learning-teaching features and measurement-evaluation features.

Author Biography

Özlem Eryılmaz Muştu, Department of Science Education, Aksaray University, Aksaray, Turkey
Faculty Of Education Science Education


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