Dr. Bulent Cavas
Professor, Department of Science Education
Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey
E-mail: bulentcavas@gmail.com
*Also Past President (Presidential Term: 2017-2020)

Dr. Teresa Kennedy
Professor, Bilingual STEM Education
University of Texas at Tyler, USA
E-mail: tkennedy@uttyler.edu
(Member Organisation – National Science Teachers Association of the U.S.-NSTA)
*Also Past President and Representative to UNESCO (Presidential Term: 2014-2017)

Dr. Steven Sexton
Committee Member
Senior Lecturer, Science Education, College of Education, University of Otago
Dunedin, New Zealand
E-mail: steven.sexton@otago.ac.nz
(Member Organization: New Zealand Association of Science Educators – NZASE)
*Also Past Editor