ICASE invites national, sub-national and multi-national organisations interested in the promotion of science and technology education to join its worldwide network. Organisations eligible to join are STAs, Science Societies, Institutes, Universities (or University Departments/Faculties), Industries, Companies, Centres and Museums. These organisations may have a sole interest in science education (or in one of its sub-disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, Earth sciences, etc.) or have wider interests one of which is science education. According to the ICASE Constitution, requests for new members, whether full or associate, are approved by the ICASE Executive Committee.

Join or Renew your organizational ICASE membership through the Paypal Payment options below!

Full Membership

One Year

1 150 members 45 Euro
151 1000 members 110 Euro
> 1000 members 210 Euro

Three Year

1 150 members 120 Euro
151 1000 members 310 Euro
> 1000 members 560 Euro

Corporate Members

Institutional members

One Year 120 Euro
Three Years 320 Euro

Foundation members

One Year 180 Euro
Three Years 480 Euro

Corporate Members

One Year 420 Euro
Three Years 1140 Euro

Membership Form for Full Membership:
(National or International Regional Science and Technology Education Organization: voting member)

Membership Form for Associate Membership:
(Institution, Foundation or Corporation members: non-voting members)

ICASE provides opportunities for member organizations and their representatives to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all through:

  • connections to the members of other science organizations around the world;
  • opportunities to serve in ICASE international leadership positions on standing committees and involvement with international research initiatives;
  • communication venues to disseminate information internationally to the members of international science organizations through the ICASE listserv, newsletter and peer-reviewed ICASE journal;
  • collaborative funding opportunities to promote science education at regional levels; and
  • organization of ICASE World Conferences, regional events, and workshops providing opportunities for professional development and networking.

In addition, ICASE member organizations and their representatives receive reduced conference registration fees for attendance at all ICASE World Conferences.


Annual Membership Payment Options:
Membership payments may be submitted via the ICASE Online Membership PayPal system; Electronic bank transfer to the ICASE Business Transaction Account.What are ICASE membership fees used for?
The financial administration of ICASE including, postage costs; seed money and support for activities (symposia, workshops, conferences, projects); administrative costs; and maintenance fees associated with the ICASE website and mailing lists.

ICASE membership fees are not used for:
Time spent on ICASE work by Executive Committee members; travel and accommodation by Executive Committee members (except in cases where their presence is essential and then only where the national organization, nominating the officer for the ICASE post, is unable to assist); Presidential and Management Committee activities; and non-project costs.

Membership Details:
Full membership
Full members must be relevant national or regional associations or societies, representing not-for-profit organisations. Membership fees for Science Teacher Associations are based on membership size as reported by the organisation. Rates for societies, centers, etc., where they are full members, are judged on the size of the organisation which may include staff numbers and others involved as participants or organizers by mutual agreement between ICASE and the organisation. Full members are the voting members of ICASE, and are responsible for the governance of the Council.

Note: Reduced fees for in kind services are available for organisations in financial need. To qualify, organisations are asked to send the following information: Contact information for the organisation’s president and treasurer, the number of members belonging to the organization, as well as a description of the in kind service(s) and/or the amount of membership fees the organisation is financially able to submit.

Associate membership
Associate membership is available to any sub-national science and technology education organization, or any institution or universities, and institutional or corporate foundations, companies and businesses interested in the promotion of science education around the world, and pays the respective annual Institutional, Foundation or Corporate membership subscription fee. University or Faculties, Departments of Universities, etc., which are ICASE associate members, are classified as institutional members. Associate Members are not voting members of ICASE.

For additional information, please contact Mary Mullaghy, at mmullaghy@gmail.com

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