ICASE Position
Sustainability / Environmental Education
ICASE recognises the Earth and its atmosphere as a shared limited
resource and that ecological services and biodiversity are critical
to human survival. Ecological services provide more economic and
survival value to humans than the entire global GDP (Gross Domestic
There is a need to agree and promote an ethos and principles for the
future of human habitation of the planet. There are opportunities in
the United Nations (UN) Decade of Education for Sustainable
Development (2005-2014) and were in 2010 with the International Year
of Biodiversity and 2011 the International Year of Forests.
Responses have been lukewarm to the global emergencies regarding
excessive use, excessive pollution and attacks on biodiversity and
ecosystems. In addition, there is inequitable sharing of the
planet’s limited resources, including previously renewable resources
such as clean air, clean water and soil.
During this critical time, children are being increasingly
dislocated from real world environmental experiences. They spend
more time in indoor environments in schools and homes than at any
time in the past.
There is a need for an urgent, comprehensive, multi-partnered
approach to environmental issues, the most important of which is
climate change.
ICASE can bring together science education associations around the
world to address and take action on science-based sustainability /
environmental education in schools, universities and communities.
ICASE can provide policy direction, curriculum reform and
professional learning in science based on learning experiences in
the natural environment.
ICASE takes the environment seriously and is prepared to make
sustainability / environmental education a major platform of its
future planning and action. ICASE will promote
sustainability and the value of global ecological services and
biodiversity conservation as an essential component of science in
all countries.
Globally there are movements to provide experiences for children in
the natural environment and develop environmental values, concepts
and hands-on skills. ICASE is part of this movement to contribute to
the well-being of children and therefore of the planet.
In view of the serious nature of the degradation of the world’s
environment and the issue of climate change, ICASE has elected to
lead efforts in the development of sustainability and environmental
education and environmental literacy. ICASE will showcase activities,
commitment, ability, expertise and action in this field.
Curriculum areas for
In terms of building environmental literacy and responding to the
major issues facing humanity, it would be wise to address
underpinning ideas, skills and values either in an integrated
science approach or a discipline approach where these are essential:
• Biology - global threats to biodiversity, ecosystem services and
consequent actions to be taken.
• Physics - environmentally appropriate technology choices
especially in energy production, efficiency and use, choosing low
energy options.
• Chemistry – environmentally appropriate cradle-to- cradle
processing, use and disposal, and selection of materials (green
chemistry). Minimising waste / pollution. Replacement of carbon-based
with renewable, non-nuclear energy sources.
• Earth sciences – sustainability and ecological footprint in
resource planning, development and use. Protection of assets – water,
topsoil, bio and habitat diversity and reserves.
ICASE Taking Action
Sustainability / Environmental Education Standing Committee
ICASE has made a commitment to S/EE by forming a Standing Committee
(July 2010).
Chair: Elaine Horne, Australia.
Professor Lyn Beazley, Chief scientist of Western Australia
Dr Robin Groves, Australia
Professor Uduogie Ivowi , Nigeria
Dr Orlando Hall Rose, Costa Rico
Dr Clement Siamatowe, Science Education, UNESCO, Paris
Dr Janet Bornman, UNEP
Professor Teresa Kennedy, GLOBE
Regional members of ICASE.
Proposed activities:
• The ICASE Standing Committee develop policy, ideas for curriculum
reform and professional learning in science aimed towards science
learning experiences in the natural environment and sustainability
education. These concepts to be developed in consultation with
member associations
• A major ICASE S/EE project to be planned, delivered and evaluated
over the next 6 years
• Partner organisations to be sought for specific S/EE programs
• Recognised experts may be invited onto the Standing Committee for
periods of time or to help with particular projects.
• To encourage the presence of an S/EE position on the Board of each
member association of ICASE. That person or the President of the
association be responsible for reporting on successful S/EE
activities of their association to the ICASE Standing Committee
• Encourage Local Advisory Committee
• ICASE Standing Committee to encourage sharing between member
associations of S/EE activities
• Other ICASE committees and representatives to forward S/EE ideas,
S/EE activities and improvement of the status of ICASE led S/EE.
Those involved to assume some responsibility for their ideas and
move them forward.
The ICASE website will be a major tool in the promotion and sharing
of activities, policy and work of this standing committee. The ICASE
World Conference on Science and Technology
Education will include a major focus on S/EE. The Standing Committee
will report its activities annually.
Science Teacher Associations will be responsible for funding their
own activities and projects and sending reports of their activities
for inclusion in the ICASE website and publications.
The Project
Funding to be sought for the major project in this area. A 6-year
funding plan would be required.
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