The Effects of Using Digitally Supported Concept Maps Method in Science Classes in Primary Education on The Academic Success and Students Opinions


In this research, the effects of using digitally supported concept maps on the academic success of students in science classes in primary education and their opinions toward the advantages of digitally supported concept maps were examined. The research was conducted with seventh-grade students in a state school in Turkey. This research used a quasi-experimental design with two groups employing a pre-test/post-test. A total of 44 students participating in this study: Twenty-two students in the experiment group and 22 students in the control group. The control group of students experienced the concept maps using pencil and paper (manual) while the experiment used digital education materials. The data were analyzed through t-test to determine whether there was a significant difference between academic success points and then analyzed through content analysis. According to the results of the research, the students who experienced the digitally supported concept maps increased their academic success. These students reported that “learning takes place more easily†through this method. The results of this research show that the students got entertained and motivated much more in the environments that digitally supported concept maps were used.

Author Biography

Mutlu Uygur, Mersin University Mersin/Turkey
Education Faculty, Department of Curriculum and InstructionDr.


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