

Science Education International


Nicos Valenides

Published Online: December,  2005

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Teachers' Experiences of Learning Science: A Case of Autobiographical Reflection

Nelofer Halai

Published Online: December,  2005

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Qualitative Analysis of Secondary Students' and Teachers' Attitudes Towards a Web-based Environmental Education Program

Constantine Aivazidis, Maria Lazaridou, Gustav Hellden

Published Online: December,  2005

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A Tool for Characterizing Class Culture in Classes Applying Alternative Assessment and Classes in Transit, in the Field of Science Education

Michael Orly

Published Online: December,  2005

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The Teaching of Natural Sciences in Mexico: New Programs and Textbooks for Elementary School

Josè Antonio Chamizo

Published Online: December,  2005

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The Influence of Social Issue-Based Science Teaching on Students' Creative Thinking

Anne Laius, Miia Rannikmäe

Published Online: December,  2005

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Science Curriculum Reform in Post-Compulsory Education in the People's Republic of China: The Case of Senior Secondary School Chemistry Curriculum

Bing, Wei

Published Online: December,  2005

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Safe Science: Be Protected!

Ken Roy

Published Online: December,  2005

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