- ICASE Projects
-- Professional
Reflection Oriented Focus on Inquiry based Learning and
Education through Science (EU - FP7 Project)
promotes IBSE through raising the self-efficacy of science teachers
to take ownership of more effective ways of teaching students,
supported by stakeholders. The proposal innovation is through
working with ‘teacher partnerships’ to implement existing, exemplary
context-led, IBSE focussed, science teaching materials enhanced by
inspired, teacher relevant, training and intervention programmes.
This is undertaken by reflection,interactions and seeking to
meaningfully raise teacher skills in developing creative, scientific
problem-solving and socio-scientific decision-making abilities in
students. The measures of success are through (a) determining the
self-efficacy of science teachers in developing selfsatisfying
science teaching methods and (b) in the attitudes of students toward
this more student-involved approach. Dissemination of approaches,
reactions, and reflections form a further key project target, making
much use of the internet and other formats useful for sharing
science teacher profiles in an interactive forum.
PROFILES involves the development of teachers on four fronts
(teacher as learner, teacher as effective teacher, teacher as
reflective practitioner, teacher as leader) consolidating their
ownership of society-led, IBSE approaches and incorporating
use-inspired research, evaluative methods and stakeholder
networking. The project disseminates its innovation withtrained lead
teachers spearheading further teacher development at pre- and
in-service levels and initiating a series of workshops for key
stakeholders nationwide. The project focuses on ‘open inquiry
approaches’ as a major teaching target and pays much attention to
both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of students in the learning
of science. The intended outcome is school science teaching becoming
more meaningful, related to 21st century science and incorporating
interdisciplinary socio-scientific issues and IBSE-related teaching,
taking particular note of gender factors.
to read more:
PROFILES Prentation 1: Structure and
PROFILES Prentation 2: Introduction to
- -- Popularity and Relevance of Science Education for Scientific
Literacy (EU - FP6 Project)
To promote scientific literacy and
to enhance popularity and relevance of science teaching and
learning. The main objectives of PARSEL are to develop, test and
disseminate pan-european science education modules for teaching
in grade 7 upwards. These modules are being developed, according
to a common model, by a consortium involving 8 Universities (from
Estonia, Denmark, Germany(2), Greece, Israel, Portugal and
Sweden) and the International Council of Associations for
Science Education (UK). PARSEL modules are intended to promote
scientific literacy and to enhance the popularity and the
relevance of science teaching. Teachers are being asked to try
out some of the modules in each of the countries and to report
back to PARSEL team on their suitability for enhancing the
popularity and relevance of science teaching.
to read more:
- -- ESTABLISH (EU - FP7 Project)
The ESTABLISH consortium of over
60 partners from 11 European countries will work together on
this four year project to encourage and promote the more
widespread use of Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) in
second level schools. Members of the consortium will be working
with local teachers and students to develop and implement IBSE
units and evaluation tools that are culturally adapted for each
country. The rationale for ESTABLISH lies in creating authentic
learning environments for science by bringing together and
involving all relevant stakeholders, particularly the scientific
industrial community, policy makers, parents, science education
researchers and teachers to drive change in the classroom.
Innovation in classroom practice will be achieved through the
involvement of stakeholders for the development and provision
- Appropriate teaching and learning IBSE units (informed by
scientific and industrial communities)
- Appropriate supports for both in-service and pre-service
teachers to implement IBSE
The outcomes of ESTABLISH will be:
a large team of science teachers across Europe who are skilled
and confident in inquiry based science teaching methodology;
identification of suitable model(s) of science teacher education,
at both pre- and in-service levels, for inquiry based science
promotion of inquiry in the classroom, involving the relevant
stakeholders in science and science education.
to read