World Conference on Science and Technology Education Standing Committee
Message from Chair:
Welcome to the webpage of the ICASE World Conference on Science and Technology Education. The recent series of ICASE World Conferences were conceived by Dr. Robin Groves, former ICASE President (2001-2004) and former Chair of the World Conference Standing Committee (2003-2010). ICASE World Conferences have taken place in Penang, Malaysia (2003), Perth, Australia, (2007), Tartu, Estonia (2010), Kuching, Malaysia (2013) and in Antalya, Turkey (2016).
The next ICASE World Conference on Science and Technology Education will be held in Pattaya, Thailand (December 2019).
We hope to see you in Pattaya - Thailand for the 6th ICASE World Conference!
Web site:
Ben Akpan,

ICASE Position Paper: World Conference on Science and Technology Education
The World Conferences bring together policy makers, curriculum developers, scientists, science and university educators and researchers, science teacher association officers and of course primary and secondary science teachers.
As well as the usual conference sessions, the World Conference organisers timetable discussion sessions for all delegates which lead to the development of a Conference Declaration. The Declaration makes recommendations for world progress in science and technology education for the following three years. In Kuching, a separate Conference Declaration will be made on the Environment.
Please check the conference website for information and involvement. We are particularly interested in offering a special arrangement for groups who can bring 200+ delegates, those who would like to support the Conference and Exhibitors. A Call for Papers will be advertised on the website in 2012.
Please join us for a most exciting, challenging and exotic experience.
The 5th ICASE World Conference on Science and Technology Education
The fifth ICASE World Science and Technology Education Conference was held in Antalya, Turkey between 1-5 November 2016.
For more information about the conference:
For the programme book: Please click
The 4th ICASE World Conference on Science and Technology Education
The ICASE WorldSTE2013 Conference took place from 28 September – 3 October 2013 on the island of Borneo in Kuching, Malaysia.
The ICASE General Assembly took place on 29 September 2013, 124 delegates representing 15 paid ICASE member organizations from 10 countries (ICASE currently had 23 paid organizations representing 17 countries at that time, a number that has grown since then), reviewed the ICASE Strategic Plan and accompanying Implementation Plan, discussed financial aspects of the organization as well as held elections.
There were over 450 registered participants at the ICASE WorldSTE2013 event and it was reported that there were over 500 participants at the larger STEM festival that took place at the same time during the week. It was quite an event with a lot going on.
We thank the entire ICASE network for their contributions and active participation throughout the conference via presentations, poster sessions, panel discussions and input to the Kuching Declaration, which is currently in review at UNESCO.
ICASE World STE2013 Conference: BORNEO, MALAYSIA
Full Programme of ICASE 2013 Conference
World STE Abstract Book
Full Programme of ICASE 2007 Conference
